by Phoenix Youth Circus Arts

Marlee Swink

Help me join the circus!
Give what you can, and help me attend circus camp and come see our final show! I will be learning all kinds of cool things with kids from all over the city. Circus arts offer creativity, fun, fitness, and friendship

Thank you so much!
         My name is Ava I am 10 years old, I went to Circus Camp last summer and had a great time!!! I also learned some really cool things like juggling, balancing on a beam, hula hoops, stilts, working with others in performing and my favorite SILKS along with other fun activities. Please help us raise money for scholarships to provide to other kids so they can experience Circus Camp this summer. Thank you so much, Ava Swink 

PYCA will hold two 1-week sessions of circus summer camp at the city gym in Moab, Utah. Help a kid that doesn't have the resources for camp get their summer off to a fabulous start.

Help us send kids to circus camp this June. We'll pay it forward with smiles and juggles!
Why circus? Because it teach skills that build the mind, body, and self-esteem in children and youth of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Every kid finds something (or many things) in the world of circus arts that they love to learn and share with others. Through the learning and performing of individual and group circus acts, students develop healthy bodies, confident spirits, and valuable capacities for cooperation and trust in a challenging, but non-competitive environment. Circus is universally practiced around the world - it brings people together in a celebration of joy, unity, beauty, risk, and perseverance. With your help, we can live up to our motto: "Everyone can join the circus!"